Corona Devo 750

With the help of lawless Gentiles, you nailed him to a cross and killed him. (24) But God released him from the horrors of death and raised him back to life, for death could not keep him in its grip.   ~Acts 2:23-24

You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead. And we are witnesses of this fact!  ~Acts 3:15


Who nailed Jesus to the cross?  

It wasn't just the Roman soldiers with hammers in their hands.

It wasn't just the high-ranking crooked government officials... 

It wasn't just the (misled) religious elite...

It wasn't just the lawless gentiles (non-Jews)...

It was us.

Our sin nailed Him to that wood.  Our pride, dishonesty, anger, lust, and self-promotion pounded those nails into the hands and feet of Jesus.

With the help of lawless Gentiles, you nailed him to a cross and killed him.  ~Acts 2:23

You killed the author of life...  ~Acts 3:15

And day to day, our sin can pound on us as we (BAM!) screw up again.  As we (BAM!) fall to temptation again.  As we (BAM!) lose our temper again.  As we (BAM!) idolize something worldly instead of the King of the world.  

The guilt and shame and even hopelessness of our sin pounded into Jesus 2,000 years ago and it can continue to pound on us day after day also.  But do we know the rest of the story (for Jesus on the cross and for us today)?

While it's true that we are imperfect, fallible and human...

But God....

But what God did next rewrites the "next chapter" of our story today, and everyday. 

But God....

you nailed him to a cross and killed him.  (24) But God released him from the horrors of death and raised him back to life, for death could not keep him in its grip.   ~Acts 2:24

You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead. And we are witnesses of this fact!  ~Acts 3:15

Sometimes the weight and the pounding of our sin nails us down.  And we can get buried in the shame of it. 

But God...did what no one else could do in releasing Jesus from death and He is still in the business of releasing people from our day to day "deaths" when the weight and guilt of sin threatens to bury us.  Let the Lord release you today!

But God released him... ~Acts 2:24

but God raised him from the dead.  ~Acts 3:15

But God has life-changing, life-forgiving and life-giving plans for us today.  There's more to our story.  God is shouting these verses through His Biblical megaphone to snap us out of any sin-coma or shame-trance that has come over us today.  Just as God released and raised up Jesus, our God releases and raises us up to Him and for-His-purposes today.

Yes, we must own our sin (and repent of it), but God covered our sin with His Son's blood and then blew it out of the water when He raised him back to life from the dead.

Jesus didn't stay dead.  And we can't stay dead in our sin today either.  Let God release and raise you.  

But God...

We don't call Him our "Savior" for nothing...We call Him our Savior for everything. 




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