Corona Devo 776
Have you had a "Red Sea" moment in your life? Where you were at a dead end. There was no way, and yet God made a way. A way that was invisible before. A way that was not there a year ago/an attitude ago/a moment ago, and yet, He made a way through where-we-were to what He had next for us?
After a miscarriage we stood on the banks of a Red Sea we could not wade through on our own. The questions, hurt and bewilderment were too deep to trespass. There was no way...yet God made a way. He split that sea, held the waters back and we walked into a new pregnancy. I held my breath for almost nine months, but He made a way through where-we-were to what He had next. A way that was not there months ago/sobs ago/a baby ago, and yet, He made a way.
Sudden and shocking death struck our family in an instant. Accidental and way-too-young and there was no way. The Red Sea waters blocked any forward movement. Death will do that to you. We could not pass. And then, God made a way. A way that was invisible, intangible and unmentionable before. A way that was not there a year ago/a loss ago/a moment ago, and yet, God made a way through where-we-were to what He had next. New hope, new smiles, new marriage, new family. He parted that sea and we walked through it together.
God makes a way where there is no way.
He did it with Moses, and He does it with us.
The Egyptians (led by Pharoah) considered the Israelites a threat simply because there were a lot of them, so Pharoah worked them hard. He enslaved them and bitter hard work defined their days. They had no voice, leadership, or shot. There was no way, and yet God made a way from where-they-were to what He had next for them.
His name was Moses. And even though it was Pharaoh's law to kill all Israelite baby boys at birth and his mom (figuratively) stood at the banks of a "Red Sea", and literally on the banks of the Nile River...God made a way. His mom put Moses in a basket and set him afloat down the Nile River, in the hopes that someone would find him and care for him.
God made a way.
One of Pharaoh's daughters found Moses floating down the river, rescued him, and then raised him as her own son. Moses grew up in a palace!
But God had life plans for Moses, and it wasn’t just to live the good life, only being concerned about himself.
God has the same life plans for us too: we have to stop focusing on only ourselves. And when we feel God telling us to “do something”, we have to be brave enough to DO IT.
God told Moses that He was going to use him to lead the Israelites (God’s people) out of Egypt and out all of the hard work and slavery that they had been suffering under.
The Lord said, “I have seen how my people are suffering in Egypt. I have heard them cry out because of their slave drivers. I am concerned about their suffering. (8) So I have come down to save them from the Egyptians. I will bring them up out of that land. I will bring them into a good land. It has a lot of room. It is a land that has plenty of milk and honey... (9) And now Israel’s cry for help has reached me. I have seen how badly the Egyptians are treating them. (10) So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh. I want you to bring the Israelites out of Egypt. They are my people.” ~Exodus 3:7-10
So, God gave Moses the job to lead all of his people (like 2 million!) out of Egypt and into the land that God had promised them, or “The Promised Land”.
There was no way! But God made a way... It took about ten plagues against the Egyptians, which included flies, frogs, hail, locusts, and darkness among other things. And after the final plague, Pharaoh finally had enough and He told Moses they could leave Egypt! For REAL this time.
The Israelites got a good start, but can you guess what happened? Pharaoh changed his mind AGAIN! He got all his soldiers, chariots, and weapons and they chased after the Israelites to recapture them.
But Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. (14) The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” ~Exodus 14:13-14
Pharoah and his army caught up with Moses and the Israelites at the waters of the Red Sea. God’s people were trapped. There was no way, and yet God made a way. A way that was invisible before. A way that was not there a moment ago.
Then Moses raised his hand over the sea, and the Lord opened up a path through the water with a strong east wind. The wind blew all that night, turning the seabed into dry land. (22) So the people of Israel walked through the middle of the sea on dry ground, with walls of water on each side! ~Exodus 14:21-22
God did that! God made a way where there was no way! It's what our God does. Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today.
Dear Jesus, Sorry that we are afraid to step out and do things for You sometimes, but thank you for loving us and sticking with us anyway. Thank you for wild stories in the Bible and please make our life into a wild story that brings others closer to You. Please give us strength and courage to be bold for You. Help us to remember that You make a way for us where there is no way. We love you, Lord! Amen.
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