Corona Devo 840
I really miss the days when I used to read stories to our kids, and one of my all-time favorites was "Stone Soup".
In this tale, a convincing visitor comes to a town and although the townspeople are initially hesitant to share any ingredients to help in making his "stone soup", one by one they each add their unique offerings and it makes a delicious batch of soup with enough for all to enjoy. The most delicious part of the story is that each person has something unique to add and the final "product" would not be the same if they hadn't.
One day a man...brought the man of God a sack of fresh grain and twenty loaves of barley bread made from the first grain of his harvest. Elisha said, “Give it to the people so they can eat.”
(43) “What?” his servant exclaimed. “Feed a hundred people with only this?”
But Elisha repeated, “Give it to the people so they can eat, for this is what the Lord says: Everyone will eat, and there will even be some left over!” (44) And when they gave it to the people, there was plenty for all and some left over, just as the Lord had promised. ~2 Kings 4:42-44
One day a man...brought...a sack of fresh grain and twenty loaves of barley bread... (2 Kings 4:42): sounds like a lot for one person to give. But someone has to have the courage, obedience, strength and faith to start God's processes. Why not us today?
The twenty loaves of barley bread and grain were the man's offering to the Lord and they were made from the first grain of his harvest. (2 Kings 4:42). He gave to God first from his bounty. He didn't wait and give God his leftovers....and God multiplied his offering.
What are our gifts? What influence has the Lord given us? What bounty has the Lord provided in our lives? Give it back to Him today. Be the one to start the "stone soup", and watch and see what God does in the hearts of others to join in the process. If it is all for His glory then the recipe always turns out and there is more than enough for everyone.
(43) “What?” his servant exclaimed. “Feed a hundred people with only this?” ~2 Kings 4:43
Sometimes that is our voice, questioning what God can do with us or offering.
“What?” Our meager contribution won't matter.
“What?” What's the point?
“What?” What difference can we make?
- Ask the drunk that feels worth and stays dry because his sponsor sees him and builds into him. Thank you for throwing your "sponsor" stone into the soup and bringing your loaves of barley bread to serve God's people and their needs.
- Ask the lifeless, shattered, turned-to-addiction mother of an aborted baby that has found new life in the healing and forgiving touch of Christ because someone took the time to invest and breathe God's love and forgiveness into her. Thank you for throwing your "outreach" stone into the soup and bringing your loaves of barley bread to serve God's people and their needs.
- Ask the confused middle or high schooler whose church youth pastor jokes-with and accepts awkward and seeking young adults each Sunday, and demonstrates Christ to them. Thank you for throwing your "ministering to teens and pre-teens" stone into the soup and bringing your loaves of barley bread to serve God's people and their needs.
- Ask the stretched-thin nurse or teacher who pours her heart and prayers into people crying-for-attention each day, reminding and sometimes introducing them to the fact that they are valued and of worth. Thank you for throwing your "caregiver/educator" stone into the soup and bringing your loaves of barley bread to serve God's people and their needs.
- Ask the kids who don't yet "know the Lord", but are going to the weekly Bible study at school because they feel safe and included there, which is God's desire for each of us. Thank you for throwing your "sharing God in public" stone into the soup and bringing your loaves of barley bread to serve God's people and their needs.
“What?” his servant exclaimed. “Feed a hundred people with only this?” (2 Kings 4:43) Yes! Test God and see what He does with what we will be willing to do/say/be for Him.
Elisha said, “Give it to the people so they can eat.”...
(43) ...Elisha repeated, “Give it to the people so they can eat, for this is what the Lord says: Everyone will eat, and there will even be some left over!” ~2 Kings 4:42-43
Twice Elisha had to repeat the simple orders.
If we will just obey today (and stop questioning and doubting God)...He will lead us.
The Lord plants ideas in our head and people on our hearts. Reach out to them. Make the effort. Obey the Holy Spirit's nudge. Throw your stone in the soup! Be willing to bring your loaves of barley bread! God will do the rest.
Our minds and reputations want to worry, question, and "talk us out of" God's opportunities today, but go for it and throw your stone to start making some for God today!
He will handle the outcome and He will absolutely watch over us in the process: And when they gave it to the people, there was plenty for all and some left over, just as the Lord had promised (2 Kings 4:44).
Not with our God. And not with a heart willing to bring the first grain of his harvest before the Lord in service.
What are the gifts/influence/bounty that the Lord has provided in our lives? Give it back to Him today and watch to see what God does in the hearts of others to join in.
Someone has to have the courage, obedience, strength and faith to start God's processes. Why not us today?
I love this Sarah. So insightful. We are not supposed to have a spirit of fear but one of power and of love and it’s Christ who gives us that power, despite our (my 😉) doubts. Isn’t God good?? 🥰