Corona Devo 907

Tucked into the annals of the Old Testament Book of I Chronicles, amidst the hard-to-pronounce names and generations of genealogies, there is a small anecdotal mention of a guy named Jabez.

There was nothing special about Jabez, except that he asked.

There was a man named Jabez who was more honorable than any of his brothers. His mother named him Jabez because his birth had been so painful. (10) He was the one who prayed to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and increase my territory! Please be with me in all that I do, and keep me from all trouble and pain!” And God granted him his request.  ~I Chronicles 4:9-10

Jabez was a regular guy, with brothers and a family.  He was no better than anyone else, but the difference was...he asked.  There's nothing special about us, in comparison to anyone else, but that doesn't mean that we can't ask.  

Jabez was not born "chosen" or special, in fact, his birth was a painful one, and for this reason his mom named him "Jabez" because it means "he makes sorrowful" or "borne in pain".  Ouch.  

But if we have had painful beginnings, or have been cast with names/expectations/judgements that we had no control over, then Jabez is a beautiful example of stepping out of those labels...simply by asking God. 

Jabez may have "brought pain" when he was born, but he sought to live honorably, and God saw that.
If Jabez was dishonorable and he asked God...would God have obliged?  

Are we living honorably or dishonorably before the Lord today?  

Can we choose to be honorable in serving Him and living for Him today?

Then ask...

But what are we asking God for?  

And to mimic Jabez, we can't just "ask".  Jabez prayed to the God of Israel... (I Chronicles 4:10).

There is a difference between asking God for things and praying to God for things.  When we pray, our requests, desires and "asks" must go through a filter of submission before the Lord.  In (true) prayer, we realize we cannot get far if we are "asking" for our glory instead of God's.  That's not prayer.

Jabez prayed.

Jabez prayed for God to bless him.  

And Jabez prayed for God to "increase his territory".  I love this phrase because it can mean so much.  Was Jabez asking for land?  Perhaps.  But I think for a man (or woman) living honorably before the Lord and praying for an increase in territory, there is more depth to the word "territory" than mere property value. 

Are we willing (and brave enough) to pray to the God of Israel to increase our territory for serving Him today?  For ministering before others today?  

Will we pray to God for Him to increase our territory of influence for Him today?  

Increase our territory for You at work, Lord.  

Increase our territory for You at school, Lord.  

Increase our territory for You with strangers, Lord.  

Increase our territory for You with those we know, Lord.  

If we are honoring God, then expansion in our lives (in any area) is expansion for God and His glory.

Our territory IS God's territory


Like Jabez, we are just regular people too.  We have had pain in the past and we haven't "earned" any rewards from the Lord.  But if we pray for His blessing and for Him to increase our territory...He might just say, "Yes".

Oh, that you would bless me and increase my territory!  ~I Chronicles 4:10

Expand our territory today, Lord.  Bless us and please be with me in all that I do today.  For Your glory, not ours.  Amen.

Please be with me in all that I do, and keep me from all trouble and pain!” And God granted him his request.  ~I Chronicles 4:10




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