Corona Devo 908

I'm not sure how many of us do "home canning" of fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, beans, pears or salsa, but a (growing) number of years ago I learned how to can from my (amazing!) mother-in-law.  She gave me excellent training, but even so, I still botch the process sometimes.  

The process of canning is ...a process, and you can't rush it or alter the steps, or you will botch the batch.  

If that happens, you'll know.  The seal on the lid "breaks" or becomes unsealed, and when you "open the jar", you will notice a smell, or it will look and even "feel" wrong.  The goods are tainted.

I know because I have definitely made mistakes in the canning process, and it's usually because I am rushing or forcing the productivity.

While it is currently canning "season" in many homes, God revealed to me (again) this week that canning stewed tomatoes is not the only process that I botch.  

I did it again, God.  I rushed Your results.  I pushed Your process.  I botched the batch.  

But the beautiful and grace-filled thing about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is that even when and even though we try to rush His processes and we "botch" things up...He can recover and restore them.  We are never damaged goods to the One Who loves us for good.  

It's okay.  Let God lead today.

Have we pushed something or someone too hard lately?  Maybe ourselves?  

Have we forced a process where God was trying to work, until we stepped in and took over? 

It's okay. But let God lead today.


Psalm 5

(1) Lord, hear me as I pray; pay attention to my groaning.  (2) Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for I pray to no one but you.  ~Psalm 5:1-2

We love Your Word because it speaks for us.  We are sorry for when we run ahead of You, Father.  Please forgive us (and help others to forgive us also when we take over instead of allowing You).  And as You reveal our folly, we are humbled and broken.  Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for I pray to no one but you today. (Psalm 5:2).

(3) Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord.  Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.  

We do listen to Your voice, today Lord.  We hear Your voice!  We even seek to obey You.  But then sometimes we still botch the process and spoil the batch.  

But nothing is lost when we give You the control back.  New avenues become visible and beauty comes from ashes.  
You salvage our processes, Lord.
You salvage us.  You are our salvation.

Forgive us when we get in Your Almighty way, Father.  We praise You that we can always come home to you.
(7) Because of your unfailing love, I can enter your house; I will worship at your Temple with deepest awe.  (8) Lead me in the right path, O Lordor my enemies will conquer me.  Make your way plain for me to follow.  ~Psalm 5:7-8

VERY plain, Lord!  
By now you realize who you are dealing!  Please make your way plain for us to follow and lead us in the right path today, Father.  We praise You for Your mercy and grace in allowing us to re-enter Your Temple...again.  Your door and heart are always open to us. (Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. ~Matthew 11:28).

Your love is unlike anyone else's, God.  Unconditional and long-suffering.  Patient and kind.  Gracious yet with boundaries for our well-being.  

Even when we rush Your recipe for whatever process You are working-through in our lives, hearts and our minds, even then...You love us.  We are never tainted-goods to you.  As-long-as we are breathing, we haven't reached our expiration date to reconnect with You.  

You welcome us, You receive us.  You are a refuge for us.

(11) But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them sing joyful praises forever.  Spread your protection over them, that all who love your name may be filled with joy.  (12) For you bless the godly, O Lordyou surround them with your shield of love.  ~Psalm 5:11-12

We do rejoice in you today, Lord!  Only You can correct the mistakes we've made and the batches we've botched.  But You can.  And You will...if we will let You.  

Help us today to stop rushing Your processes and (instead) to appreciate them.  Forced productivity is not Your goal and if that is all that we care about then we will botch every batch we touch.  

Growth is Your goal for us, God.  Help us to follow Your processes today and to trust them.  Seal us with Your love.   
For you bless the godly, O Lordyou surround them with your shield of love.  ~Psalm 5:12

We are never damaged goods to the One Who loves us for good.  

It's okay.  Let God lead today.




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