Corona Devo 938
Do3n't we hate it when others get "into our business"? How dare they? And what right do they have to correct or judge us?
Ever thought those things or something similar? Especially when someone "calls us out" on something?
Oops. But how about the reverse order: do we ever get into other people's business? Correcting or judging their decisions or their sin?
You may think you can condemn such people, but you are just as bad, and you have no excuse! When you say they are wicked and should be punished, you are condemning yourself, for you who judge others do these very same things. (2) And we know that God, in his justice, will punish anyone who does such things. (3) Since you judge others for doing these things, why do you think you can avoid God’s judgment when you do the same things? ~Romans 3:1-3
Oops. It's so easy for us to question others, but the Bible brings the Truth of sin and judgment around full-circle for us today. It is not our place to correct or call-out...because we always have room for spiritual improvement. And no one has more "right" to get us "back on track" about this than God.
These verses sound harsh, but God's Word is timely and appropriate for me everytime.
Have we gotten prideful over others? Have we gotten lazy in our own purity? Have we gotten comfortable in our criticism of others?
How dare You, God? And what right do You have to correct or judge us?
Every right, actually. Earned by the sacrifice of his Son (for us!) on the cross and the love that propelled His heart to enable that exchange for our sin.
God has every right to discipline us in our faith and spiritual upbringing, and yet He does so in love. He is wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient with us. And why? Because these behaviors and actions are what cause life-change: not criticism, judgment and harshness.
Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin? ~Romans 3:4
The funny thing about God and His Word is that He's always right. Hell, fire, and brimstone never turned anyone's heart (authentically) to God, and neither will judgment, criticism or condescension. But kindness will. Can’t you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin? (Romans 3:4).
Are we being wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient with
- our spouse?
- our children/family?
- our co-workers/students/customers/clients/neighbors?
Does God's example mean nothing to us? Can’t we see that his kindness is intended to turn us from our sin and His example is intended for us to replicate?
Lord, allow our hearts to be soft in receiving your direct message today. Thank You for "getting into our business". Your Word is true and sometimes hard-to-hear, but may we have ears to hear today. We know that your discipline is rooted in Your wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient love for us. We have a choice each day and today we will choose You. Amen.
I want to serve the Lord today in earnest, and you and I stand together in that goal, but if we were seated for God's earlier lecture-through-Scripture, we are (apparently) not dismissed quite yet.
God knows us better and deeper than anyone else knows us, and even if we have fooled the onlookers and possibly even fooled ourselves, God calls us closer to Him, and He speaks with directness into our hearts and secret places.
These verses sound harsh, but God's Word is timely and appropriate for me everytime. He's not done because He knows that we need to hear a little more. Listen if it applies today:
(13) For merely listening to the law doesn’t make us right with God... (16) And this is the message I proclaim—that the day is coming when God, through Christ Jesus, will judge everyone’s secret life.
(21) Well then, if you teach others, why don’t you teach yourself? You tell others not to steal, but do you steal?...(23) You are so proud of knowing the law, but you dishonor God by breaking it.
(29) No, a true Jew (Believer) is one whose heart is right with God. And true circumcision is not merely obeying the letter of the law; rather, it is a change of heart produced by the Spirit. And a person with a changed heart seeks praise from God, not from people. ~Romans 3:13, 16, 21, 23, 29
How dare You, God? And what right do You have to judge our secret life?
Every right, actually. Our Holy Father knows what we say, but He also knows what we do/think/see in secret. These verses sound harsh, but don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you (Romans 3:4)?
Our Heavenly Father loves us enough to get "into our business" today, and as the King of our hearts, He has every right to.
Plus, His Truth is timely and appropriate for us everytime.
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