Corona Devo 974

Did you carve a jack-o-lantern this year? That smell of the seeds and those stringy veins inside...that hollow sound of the knife sawing through the thick wall of pumpkin. We've all carved a jack-o-lantern at some point in our lives, I'm sure. We've carved...but today, be carved. Picture yourself as a plump pumpkin sitting in the patch and let's experience "carving"... God's way. First of all, God picks us from the patch and brings us in! Feel loved today--God chose us! You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit… John 15:16 God chose us as his children, but just as the first thing we do with a pumpkin-to-be-carved is to sc oop out all of the seeds and “guts” on the inside, that's where God has to start with us, too. Doesn't it feel gross inside when we hurt someone's feelings or purposely do something wrong? We can try to ignore it (and we do try), but deep down, we know something just isn't r...