Corona Devo 996

What are we smuggling today?

Most of our connotations of the word "smuggle" are negative: High schoolers might smuggle alcohol into the basement of a party, the Prohibition Era caused alcohol to be smuggled into society, often through a speakeasy or illegal club during the 1920's.

But smuggling can be a good thing, too: A (slightly) secretive way to perpetuate/further/spread our case: The Gospel.  

To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. (21) To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law. (22) To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.  ~I Corinthians 9:20-22

How are we smuggling the Gospel today?

How can we smuggle (share) the hope of Christ, the love of the Lord, the Truth of the Bible with others today in a way that does not broad-side them, overwhelm them, or shame them (these methods rarely convert)...but rather in ways that entice and welcome them...maybe even loving them into a change-of-heart for Jesus.   

It's an art to tell others about Jesus in an effective way (work at it!), but remember today that face-to-face conversation is not the only method we have in sharing the Gospel.  We can smuggle it into people's hearts, too.

Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you.  ~2 Timothy 4:5

Work at it!  Get creative.  And let's get-God into people's lives, even if we have to smuggle Him in.

Thank you to the gentleman who wishes to remain anonymous and donated pizza and drinks to our next after school Christian Fellowship Meetings for the high school and middle school ministries.  Keep smuggling for Jesus with our resources!


Kudos to the middle school girl boldly wearing a t-shirt that proclaims "Jesus is King" at her public school.  What if others are intimidated to be associated with Jesus, but have become emboldened by her clothing-testimony?  Keep smuggling for Jesus with our adornments!

And because of my imprisonment, many of the Christians here seem to have lost their fear of chains! Somehow my patience has encouraged them, and they have become more and more bold in telling others about Christ.  ~Philippians 1:14 


Thank you for the stamps that one footman-of-the-King sent my way to finance the postage of the next written sentiments that the Lord places on my heart to encourage His people.  I often say that "mail is a ministry", as it is very special (and rare) to receive written proof that someone is thinking of you.  What if others could understand that God is thinking of them and that the King of the Universe thinks that they are special and rare?  Keep smuggling for Jesus with purchases (like stamps!) that He presses on our hearts.


My son and husband use their social media page to smuggle God's Word into the (often) Godless and cynical world of the web.  Sometimes verses get posted, other times, unkindness goes unspoken.  Keep smuggling for Jesus with what we do and don't say and post.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.  ~Romans 1:16


Thank you to "C.S. Lewis, who 'smuggled' Christianity into fiction.  Aslan was an allegory of Christ.  He took on Edmund's crime (betrayal) and was crucified by the white witch and her demons.  Aslan arises from the dead as he was sinless, as the "old magic" (prophecies) commanded" (Mike Cernovich, Twitter).  

"A stirring, single-line description of God comes at the point when the children are in Beaver’s dam. Lucy asks Beaver if Aslan is safe, and Beaver replies, 'Safe? Of course he isn’t safe! . . . But he’s good' " (  

God is not safe...He is holy, He is all-powerful, He is almighty...and He is good.  Keep smuggling for Jesus with our writing, art, talents, creativity and medium.  


How are we smuggling the Gospel today?  Through pizza, Christian t-shirts, stamps, social media posts, writing, or--you have your own life examples.  

And today is a great day to bring a fresh, new, positive connotation to the word smuggle--in our case: for The Gospel.  

Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?”  

I said, “Here I am. Send me.”  ~Isaiah 6:8


Work at it!  Get creative.  And let's get-God into people's lives, even if we have to smuggle Him.




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