Corona Devo 1054

We're used to the Bible telling us to love others.  We get that.  Most people have heard the phrase "Love thy neighbor" so casually that they might not even know that it's a Bible verse (Leviticus 19:18) and not just a polite saying.

We know that when we love others, we are obeying God because it's repeated often in the Bible, sermons, and even in the marketplace of life.    

But I was surprised to find that God gets political in Romans 13.  I wasn't expecting the Bible to get into our party-affiliations or to tell us to pay taxes...but (did you know) that it does?

Well, God doesn't tell us how to vote, per se, but He reminds us today that no matter who or what "party" is "in charge" or who is governing us...He is (first) our ultimate authority, and His command to us about the (second-in-line) authorities are clear:  

Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. (2) So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished. 

(3) For the authorities do not strike fear in people who are doing right, but in those who are doing wrong. Would you like to live without fear of the authorities? Do what is right, and they will honor you. 

(4) The authorities are God’s servants, sent for your good. But if you are doing wrong, of course you should be afraid, for they have the power to punish you. They are God’s servants, sent for the very purpose of punishing those who do what is wrong. (5) So you must submit to them, not only to avoid punishment, but also to keep a clear conscience.  

(6) Pay your taxes, too, for these same reasons. For government workers need to be paid. They are serving God in what they do. (7) Give to everyone what you owe them: Pay your taxes and government fees to those who collect them, and give respect and honor to those who are in authority.  ~Romans 13:1-6

The Bible is chocked-full of Godly kings and queens (and people), and ungodly kings and queens (and people).  Not one ruler was a surprise to our Supreme Ruler, and God works through everyone.  You and I are proof of that too.  

But in the middle of our favorite president/boss/mayor/police chief/coach or dragging through our least...God's Word stands as firm and as true and as relevant as the day He spoke it.  (Whether we like it or not.) 

I like it.  (God's Word.)  

And it is good to review what He says about how we should behave to governing authorities, because ultimately, God is our Ultimate Authority.  




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