Corona Devo 1062
Who is holier...those that attend church service on Sunday mornings or Saturday nights?
Are dressed-up people in the church pews going to get a better seat in Heaven than those wearing jeans into God's house?
Fish on Friday's during Lent, or cheeseburgers?
Which way do you vote?
To spank or not to spank, that is the holy-parent question.
Are vegetarians more righteous in God's eyes because they are not harming animals?
If we have a drink once in a while, are we headed to Hell in a handbasket?
If we binge-watch Netflix are we heathens?
Which sides of these questions are "right" and which sides are "wrong"?
Both. And all.
We can (and do!) find reasons and Biblical back-ups to back-up our "opinion" on any life-practice that we prefer, don't we? But should we?
God says, "No".
Stay out of the little details and be firm in the big Biblical Truths. These are what matter to the Lord. The rest are details that defer to (our) preferences, and they are not worth arguing about and losing someone's spiritual-steam over.
Dissension among Believers has always been one of Satan's best ploys. Let's stop falling prey to feeling privy to what's "best" for everyone.
Give God the authority in our lives over the BIG beliefs, and give grace to others when we differ with them on the smaller briefs.
Accept other believers who are weak in faith, and don’t argue with them about what they think is right or wrong. (2) One person’s faith allows them to eat anything. But another person eats only vegetables because their faith is weak. (3) The person who eats everything must not look down on the one who does not. And the one who doesn’t eat everything must not judge the person who does.
That’s because God has accepted them. (4) Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? Whether they are faithful or not is their own master’s concern. And they will be faithful, because the Lord has the power to make them faithful.
(5) One person considers one day to be more holy than another. Another person thinks all days are the same. Each of them should be absolutely sure in their own mind. (6) Whoever thinks that one day is special does so to honor the Lord.
Whoever eats meat does so to honor the Lord. They give thanks to God. And whoever doesn’t eat meat does so to honor the Lord. They also give thanks to God.
(7) We don’t live for ourselves only. And we don’t die for ourselves only. (8) If we live, we live to honor the Lord. If we die, we die to honor the Lord. So whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord...
(10) Now then, who are you to judge your brother or sister? Why do you act like you’re better than they are? We will all stand in God’s courtroom to be judged...
(12) So we will all have to explain to God the things we have done.
(13) Let us stop judging one another. Instead, decide not to put anything in the way of a brother or sister. Don’t put anything in their way that would make them trip and fall.
(15) Your brother or sister may be upset by what you eat. If they are, you are no longer acting as though you love them. So don’t destroy them by what you eat. Remember that Christ died for them.
(17) God’s kingdom is not about eating or drinking. It is about doing what is right and having peace and joy. All this comes through the Holy Spirit. (18) Those who serve Christ in this way are pleasing to God. They are pleasing to people too.
(19) So let us do all we can to live in peace. And let us work hard to build up one another.
(20) Don’t destroy the work of God because of food. All food is “clean.” But it’s wrong to eat anything that might cause problems for someone else’s faith. (21) Don’t eat meat if it causes your brother or sister to sin. Don’t drink wine or do anything else that will make them sin.
(22) Whatever you believe about these things, keep between yourself and God. ~Romans 14:1-10, 12-13, 15, 17-22
Does the wisdom found in the pages of the Bible blow-you-away like it does me?
This Book that is over 2,000 years old speaks into our church-splits and our holier-than-thou attitudes, and if we will allow it, the Bible penetrates our pompous-faith and drills down into our hearts.
And (today), God is basically telling us to shut-up in reference to our preferences so that we might not cause another brother or sister in Christ to stumble.
Which things are "right" and which things are "wrong"?
Both. And all.
As long as we keep God the main thing.
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