What I like about the Bible is that it often gives us an outline or a character description of what to shoot for. We might not be there right now, but in time and with God's grace and strength...we can get there.
David was a normal dude. His life contained normalcies like yours and mine, but trials and triumphs too. What makes him a positive spiritual-influence over us was not his circumstances, giftings or accomplishments, but (instead) the unwavering ways that he stuck-close-to-God and God's Word as David encountered those day to day happenings.
David gives us "something-to-shoot-for", in terms of living (mostly) well for God.
The Psalms are David's daily-diary or jotter-journal of his thoughts, prayers and praises to the Lord as he maneuvered through the ups and downs of his days. Sometimes the Psalms are comforting, sometimes uplifting, and sometimes...they give us something to shoot for.
Psalm 26
A psalm of David.
(1) Declare me innocent, O Lord, for I have acted with integrity... ~Psalm 26:1
Wellllll, let's put it this way: I want to act with integrity, Lord. It's something I "shoot for".
Publicly, yes, we might do pretty well acting with integrity, but privately? Side-comments, tangent-thoughts, judgmental-jeers. Have we acted with integrity?
Plus...we can think of so many days and so many ways that we have not acted with integrity and Satan throws them in our face and rakes-up our memories. But remind our spirits today that we are a new in You, Father (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Forgive us, Lord, for the parts and thoughts of us that are not innocent and thank you for giving us something to shoot for.
Today, zip-our-lips, Lord. Compassionize-our-thoughts, and harness our hearts, Heavenly Father, so that tomorrow we can say, "Declare me innocent, O Lord, for I have acted with integrity" (Psalm 26:1). Amen.
(1) I have trusted in the Lord without wavering. ~Psalm 26:1
Can we say and pray this honestly today?
Or...what are we wavering about today?
- Perhaps our salvation? Trust in the Lord without wavering. If we have believed in Jesus and His ability and desire to wash-us-clean of our sin, then we have received His cleansing, once and for all. (“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved"... ~Acts 16:31). Waver on that no further, God forgives us.
- Or are we wavering about a worry/fear/an unknown/a request today? David gives us something to shoot for: Trust in the Lord without wavering today.
(2) Put me on trial, Lord, and cross-examine me. Test my motives and my heart. ~Psalm 26:2
I gotta give David some credit! Most days I am not prepared to pray this prayer to our Lord.
Put me on trial, Lord? Cross-examine me, Lord? Test my motives and my heart?
Many days and situations...You better not, Lord.
But David's prayers and God's Words give us something to shoot for today.
(3) For I am always aware of your unfailing love, and I have lived according to your truth. ~Psalm 26:3
We're trying today, Lord. Help us to be aware of your unfailing love, instead of mistakenly believing that we are unworthy of it. We praise You that Your Word gives us something to shoot for.
(4) I do not spend time with liars or go along with hypocrites. (5) I hate the gatherings of those who do evil, and I refuse to join in with the wicked. (6) I wash my hands to declare my innocence. ~Psalm 26:4-6
Yea, Lord. We seek to emulate David's discernment.
Who we spend with WITH is just as important as those we take a stance NOT to spend time with. Liars, hypocrites, evil-doers and the wicked--Lord, may we shoot-for washing our hands of them today. Amen.
I come to your altar, O Lord, (7) singing a song of thanksgiving and telling of all your wonders. (8) I love your sanctuary, Lord, the place where your glorious presence dwells. ~Psalm 26:6-8
Father, if we "shoot for" any one place within David's Psalm 26 to "camp out", may it be here: at your altar. May we be found here singing a song of thanksgiving and telling of all your wonders to anyone passing-by our lives or living in close proximity to our authentic selves.
And if we are shy about singing a song of thanksgiving and telling of all your wonders, then may these verses give us something-to-shoot-for today.
In Your Word, in Your Spirit, in Your Will--I love your sanctuary, Lord, the place where your glorious presence dwells (Psalm 26:6-8).
(9) Don’t let me suffer the fate of sinners. Don’t condemn me along with murderers. (10) Their hands are dirty with evil schemes, and they constantly take bribes. (11) But I am not like that; I live with integrity. So redeem me and show me mercy. (12) Now I stand on solid ground, and I will publicly praise the Lord. ~Psalm 26:9-12
Even though we deserve the fate of sinners...even though we should be condemned along with other sinners...David's words remind us that IN YOU and WITH YOU, we are not like that, Lord. Your forgiveness gives us something to shoot for today--something different than what we were before we knew You. Because of You, we are different now: I am not like that; I live with integrity. So redeem me and show me mercy today, Lord. We are shooting-for MORE than we are...because we are in-You.
Today and now, in-our-circumstances and situations: Now I stand on solid ground, and I will publicly praise the Lord (Psalm 26:12). Starting NOW, we are shooting-for You, Lord. We stand on Your ground...solid ground. And just as David did...we will also shoot-for publicly praising the Lord today.
Thank you to David and Psalm 26 for what to shoot for.
We might not be there right now, but in time and with God's grace and strength...we can get there.
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