Corona Devo 1124
A bit heavy-hearted for no particular reason, except for today's headlines, I got up from my Bible and looked out the window at this new day. This day where moms like me mourn the loss of a child. This day where moms like me choose to dispose of their babies. This day where babies grow up to be adults and choose to live their lives apart from God and His good plans for them. This day where most of us go about our business as if nothing is wrong, but inside our spirit (no matter how we try to muffle it) screams, "This is all wrong!"
So much of the day that we look out upon today is wrong. It causes our souls anguish. What can we do?
I trust in the Lord. (7) I will be glad and rejoice in your unfailing love, for you have seen my troubles, and you care about the anguish of my soul. ~Psalm 31:6-7
He cares. God cares about the anguish (extreme pain, distress, or anxiety) of our soul today.
When was the last time you saw a tufted titmouse? Me too--it's been a while. But I know one when I see one, because I did a report on them in middle school. Ever since then, I like them. They make my heart smile when I see them, which isn't very often.
You couldn't know that...but God does.
And He also knows when our hearts need a smile. Do you need one today?
You perched the bird for us to see, You pitched its song for us to hear.
You streamed rays of light across the horizon to awaken our spirits and You airbrushed clouds to steal our breath.
You wrote these Verses that blanket our shivering spirits.
You placed people to minister to us in our path, right where and when we needed them.
You are here, in our today. You've always been here, and You will always be here with us.
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