As dead flies cause even a bottle of perfume to stink, so a little foolishness spoils great wisdom and honor. ~Ecclesiastes 10:1
This proverb is colorful, fantastic, impactful and striking. Never would I think to compare the ideas of a dead fly stinking-up a good-smelling perfume...with silliness and foolishness ruining a wise and honored reputation that we have worked hard to establish. I wouldn't compare those two, but it's an excellent image that makes the point very clear.
I believe the intended point of this wise saying is to encourage and admonish us to stay-the-course in being responsible, sober-minded, and diligent in serving God, living our lives, and in seeking to be wise.
That's the main point, and it may be just what we needed to hear from the Lord today.
But that was not the "lesson" that the Lord made clear to me when I read this today.
What "spoke to me" and even stung-my-heart, was the fly.
(This is how the Holy Spirit "speaks" to us when we read the Bible. The "main point" may be obvious and valuable, but God's "main point" for us may be something totally different. God's discipline for me today was not to be more responsible about folly, so that I do not dishonor myself or Him (even though this is a beneficial teaching for me and all of His children.)
Instead, God whispered (buzzed) a different lesson into my heart from Ecclesiastes 10:1.
As dead flies cause even a bottle of perfume to stink, so a little foolishness spoils great wisdom and honor. ~Ecclesiastes 10:1
I'm the fly. (Sometimes.)
Too often our words, our attitude, and our pride causes us to ruin something beautiful that God is doing around us, in someone else, or within us.
My tiredness or irritability will flow out as critical comments or judgmental jeers, and I putrefy my kids or my husband's heart, mood, or spirit.
Other people are God's "bottles of perfume". We are here to love, serve, tell and to show others the love of God. The Lord repeats these plans for us over and over throughout the Bible.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations ~Matthew 28:19
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. ~Ephesians 4:29
Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone. ~Ecclesiastes 4:6
When we cancel others, shut-them-down, or just plain allow our "stinkiness" (of mood, attitude, bitterness, exhaustion, selfishness) to taint them, then we have made the whole bottle of perfume to stink.
Do you get it?
I sure do.
Just (one!) recent example: Every morning before the bus comes at 7 A.M., my children appear publicly in the kitchen--awake, dressed, packed (Backpack, lunch and maybe practice clothes too) for the day, and instead of a tender Good Morning kiss or comment to kick off their day and their heart, my first words can be questioning and negative: "Is that what you are wearing today?"
I'm the fly.
I'm aware of many children (and parents!) who do not wake up on time for school, nor do they care what they are wearing, or if their necessary items are in their backpack before leaving for the day. My kids aren't perfect, but they do these things every day. Most days, with a smile on their face. Even at 6:30 A.M. in the morning.
Unless I snatch that smile away and cause even a bottle of perfume to stink.
We have many and various "bottles of perfume" around us today. Gorgeous, unique "scents" that God took His time and care to create unique and individually. For His glory.
Let's learn a lesson from the Bible today. We don't want to be the dead fly causing a bottle of perfume to stink.
The dead fly is, well...dead. So are we (and our faith!) if we are breathing death into others and into situations instead of life. Perfume was made to smell beautifully. Why would we ever want to taint something beautiful? Why would we allow our selves/attitudes/selfishness to take that away?
I won't.
As dead flies cause even a bottle of perfume to stink, so a little foolishness spoils great wisdom and honor. ~Ecclesiastes 10:1
Let's be alive in Christ today, instead of a dead fly causing something beautiful to stink.
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