Corona Devo 1304

I got side swiped last week.

Not in my car--in my life.  

Blindsided.  Worked-over.  Manipulated.  And pressured.  

And it's one thing when the world/our enemies/our opponents and our competitors try to bulldoze us into something.  But it is a whole different story (and wound) when a friend (even a brother or sister-in-Christ) purposely sets-us-up or targets us for a desired result.   

We feel a bit shocked.  It hurts.  There might be some righteous anger bubbling within us.  We feel a bit betrayed.

Do you know how it feels to be bulldozed by a brother? 

David did, and he wrote to God about it. 

It is not an enemy who taunts me—I could bear that.  It is not my foes who so arrogantly insult me— I could have hidden from them.  (13) Instead, it is you—my equal, my companion and close friend.  (14) What good fellowship we once enjoyed as we walked together to the house of God.  ~Psalm 55:12-14

If David experienced betrayal...and I did...maybe you did too, or maybe you are being blindsided today.

David tells us/advises us/reminds us/prays-us-through what to do if we find ourselves here:

But I will call on God, and the Lord will rescue me.  (17) Morning, noon, and night I cry out in my distress, and the Lord hears my voice.  (18)  He ransoms me and keeps me safe from the battle waged against me, though many still oppose me.  

(19) God, who has ruled forever, will hear me and humble them.  For my  enemies refuse to change their ways; they do not fear God.  

(20) As for my companion, he betrayed his friends; he broke his promises.  (21) His words are as smooth as butter, but in his heart is war.  His words are as soothing as lotion, but underneath are daggers!  

(22) Give your burdens to the Lordand he will take care of you.  He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.  ~Psalm 55:16-22


I sure did get side swiped last week...and by a fellow Believer, no less.  But, although the exchange jangled me for a moment, I held God's hand through it.  I inquired of Him and I examined myself (Am I at fault?  Is there a view I am not seeing?)

My anger subsided, but my resolve remained.  I was not doing wrong, the Holy Spirit whispered inaudibly to my heart.  So, I stepped back.  I ceased contact and engagement, and walked not in worry, but in God's peace.

And you know what happened?


To my knowledge, the issue/event/happening that I was bulldozed into...Never.  Happened.  Anyway.  

Confuse them, Lord, and frustrate their plans (Psalm 55:9), David had requested of God, when his friend came at him unjustly.


If you've been side-swiped by someone, call on God todayand the Lord will rescue you today.  (His Word says so.)  

When can we cry out to him?  How often can we plead our case and ask His protection over us?  Morning, noon, and night I cry out in my distress, and the Lord hears my voice.  (18)  He ransoms me and keeps me safe from the battle waged against me, though many still oppose me  (Psalm 55:17-18).  

God is with us when we are wounded, and He equips us for the next battle with His wisdom:  

As for my companion, he betrayed his friends; he broke his promises.  (21) His words are as smooth as butter, but in his heart is war.  His words are as soothing as lotion, but underneath are daggers!   ~Psalm 55:20-21

If we've been sideswiped or bulldozed, we can recognize the signs and earmark the "companion" who broke his promises.  

We can live, but we should also learn.  And we can keep holding God's hand through all of it, He won't let us fall.   

Give your burdens to the Lordand he will take care of you.  He will not permit the godly to slip and fall. (~Psalm 55:22).  Amen.




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