Corona Devo 1307
Jesus is just who we've been looking for.
He is everything that we have been seeking, desiring, and looking everywhere else for. Jesus embodies the qualities that we've sought desperately and even lusted-after improperly as we seek wholeness in this life.
Life-choices, daily decisions, parenting-help, marriage-advice, career questions, care-giver quandaries: Where-to-turn?!
We need wisdom. We desire understanding, and Jesus is just who we've been looking for.
Out of the stump of David’s family will grow a shoot— yes, a new Branch bearing fruit from the old root. (2) And the Spirit of the Lord will rest on him—the Spirit of wisdom and understanding... ~Isaiah 11:1-2
Jesus was in the lineage of David, and the Israelites had been through a l-o-n-g dry spell of wandering without guidance. Like us, they had questions. They lacked direction. They needed wisdom. But who could understand them?
Only One could look into their hearts and ours with a Spirit of wisdom and understanding. And don't we crave His wisdom? Wouldn't we give anything to be understood?
Jesus is just who we've been looking for, and He is as close to us as we will allow Him to be.
We ask advice from our friends, and seek "next steps" online. We worry and wonder about the what-if's.
We are inundated with information but the depth is shallow and the motives impure.
We need counsel in our lives and over our hearts...and God has sent it to us in His Son. Jesus possesses (and is!) a Spirit of counsel and might to us today.
And the Spirit of the Lord will rest on him—the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might... ~Isaiah 11:2
Jesus is just who we've been looking for. Seek His true counsel and might over the false/cheap/short-sighted counsel of this world.
We learn. We aspire. We are well-read and we seek the best opportunities that money can buy. But if the world's education is all that we attain, we live in spiritually-intellectual poverty.
We a re always seeking to be "in the know" and to gain knowledge. but true knowledge is imparted to us (only) by the One on whom the Spirit of the Lord rests.
And the Spirit of the Lord will rest on him—the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. ~Isaiah 11:2
We are not (at all) learned until we have knowledge of the Lord and His Word, and a holy fear of it.
Jesus is just who we've been looking for. Scrap the rest and seek true knowledge.
He will delight in obeying the Lord. He will not judge by appearance nor make a decision based on hearsay. (4) He will give justice to the poor and make fair decisions for the exploited. ~Isaiah 11:3-4
This...this (Jesus) is just who we've been looking for.
Everyone else judges us by appearance. We're so tired of keeping the façade.
He will not judge by appearance...
Everyone else makes a decision based on hearsay. We're exhausted by their rumors.
He will not...make a decision based on hearsay...
Jesus is just who we've been looking for. He does not judge us, He welcomes us and absolves us. He does not listen to hearsay, He says, "I am here, I hear every word you are saying..."
He gives justice and He is fair. He is righteous.
He is just who we have been looking for...soul-searching for...aching for. He is worth living for...and for us, He died.
Jesus is just who we've been looking for.
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