Corona Devo 1552

I ran out of hand soap today. The last few days we've had to press harder to get any sort of squirt out, and today, it ran dry. I'm not very particular about what soap we use, and so I usually buy the cheapest one on the shelf. But low and behold, when I looked for a back-up soap in our cupboard today , I found a Bath and Body Works Eucalyptus Spearmint Aromatherapy Hand Soap awaiting me! A birthday present from a good friend, this would be a (beautiful smelling and luxurious) treat! It was not in a container with a pump, and so I carefully poured the entire bottle into the one we had just pumped-empty. To anyone else washing their hands, it looked like a normal (cheap!) bottle of hand soap. But I knew what was really in there , and it was the good stuff. ~~~ It reminds me of a Biblical account when something (else) ran-dry and was replaced with the good stuff. On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mot...