Corona Devo 1643

Has anyone ever accused us of being a slow-poke?  A snail?  A turtle?  

Slowness nicknames aren't (usually) complimentary terms, are they?  

But, why

On a recent hike, I encountered not one but two creatures (a snail and a turtle) that are traditionally associated with slowness (and that slowness is not often attributed as one of their positive traits).

But, why?  

And, as I realized on my hike, if we will look a little closer at slowness and the results of it...we might find ourselves realizing that what we label "slow" may actually be "steady" instead, and that is not a bad gait to be going.   

Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.  ~Psalm 62:5

The "slow" snail and turtle on my hike were in (such) purposed and active motion when I took their pictures, that the turtle picture below is actually blurry in spots, because he was moving too quickly when I snapped the pic.  The turtle was a blur, not because he was moving at a rapid pace, but because he was moving at a steady one. 



Let's move at a steady pace with the Lord as our guide today.  Not a breakneck-pace: as some of us are accustomed to doing.  And not at a no-pace: frozen in fear or doubt or sedentary in apathy or laziness. Not rushing, and not loafing...but let's move at God's pace today.  

I have set the Lord always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not moved.  ~Psalm 16:8  

Let's move at a steady pace today.  Not a breakneck-pace: as some of us are accustomed to doing.  And not at a no-pace: frozen in fear or doubt, or sedentary in apathy or laziness. 

Not rushing..and not loafing: but somewhere at peace with God, let's move right in the middle.  Let's move at God's pace today.  

Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.  ~Psalm 143:10

The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.  ~Psalm 29:11


I have a feeling that we will be surprised at ourselves and at what God can do...when we allow Him to clear-our-path and steady-our-gait.  There are hairpin turns and dips in the road of life, but if we will navigate steadily with God and His Word as our guide, then we are going to (slowly-but-steadily) do just fine.

Starting today: On your mark.  Get set.  Steady!

But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you.  ~II Timothy 4:5




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