Corona Devo 1787
One of my vices is Diet Coke. I wouldn't say that I'm addicted to it, but I really like it. I certainly don't drink it everyday, but I do like a can of Diet Coke once in a while, and my "while" doesn't usually last that long.
But Diet Coke is expensive! And the truth is, I don't even need name-brand Diet Coke. Most often (unless there's a sale), I buy generic and enjoy it just as much.
But for Christmas, I unwrapped a heavy rectangle that was planted under our tree and lo and behold, Santa had stuck a 12-pack of (name brand!) Diet Coke under the tree for me! Well, actually, it was from my husband, and while you might laugh at soda-pop wrapped up as a gift, this was actually one of my favorites gifts under the tree, and my husband knew it would be. He knows me (and loves me), and he spoils me. Diet Coke is just one example, and it was a special gift for me!
Fast forward a couple weeks and some very cold weather that we are having, and when I went out to our garage refrigerator to grab a can of Diet Coke last night, I found that I was too late.
The cold had ruined the Diet Coke cans. I found my 12-pack box with brown-black shaved ice (frozen Diet Coke) and 11 cans of shredded and ripped aluminum that had burst-open from the transformation (and extra space needed) when Diet Coke changes from a liquid to ice.
They (the cans of Diet Coke) were ruined, and there was no recovering them.
It was a pity and shame to me, but the feeling in my heart wasn't unfamiliar.
That immediate feeling of "wish I hadn't" (left it outside) was familiar.
That stomach-drop because something-good-has-gotten-ruined is a yucky feeling that I know well.
Those cans of Diet Coke exploding brought up many of the same results and feelings as when I explode and run-my-mouth or lose-my-temper with one of my loved ones.
I love my husband and three kids dearly. I praise the Lord for them daily. They are more than I will ever deserve. And yet, too-often I explode and wreck otherwise "clean" situations with my (messy) impatience, anger, opinions, or criticisms.
Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper—it only leads to harm. ~Psalm 37:8
The Bible is (of course) so right. When we allow our emotions to get the best of us, they reveal the worst-of-us to others. It only leads to harm.
Anger causes us to ruin good moments, friendships, relationships and feelings. We cannot put the explosion back in the Diet Coke can, if you will. The soda is just undrinkable at that point.
I've created that same (dead and messy) situation with my words. You wish you could take it back and make it better, but the "spill" has occurred and the words cannot be unsaid.
The best way to "not explode" is not to get to the point of exploding.
My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, (20) because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. ~James 1:19-20
Lord, help us to slow down today and to be slow to speak and slow to become angry.
Why are we so quick to fly off the handle and so slow to listen to someone else's view/side/story?
God also gives us the advice to stay out of dumb discussions because we can (and do) lose our heads over things that do not really matter. (We explode like a can of frozen Diet Coke.) But if we are able to keep our temper and tongue...perhaps someone might glimpse God and they will learn the truth.
Again I say, don’t get involved in foolish, ignorant arguments that only start fights. (24) A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, be able to teach, and be patient with difficult people. (25) Gently instruct those who oppose the truth. Perhaps God will change those people’s hearts, and they will learn the truth. ~2 Timothy 2:23-25
What's the best way to avoid the explosion of a can of Diet Coke?
Don't let it freeze.
And the Bible gives us parallel advice about our anger: don’t sin by letting anger control you.
We have to decide to be masters over our emotions. We can't let it go that far, and if we get mad...we must choose to get right before too long so that our anger does not give root to something even worse.
And “don’t sin by letting anger control you.” Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, (27) for anger gives a foothold to the devil. ~Ephesians 4:26-27
The saddest part about my frozen and wasted name-brand-Diet Coke-12 pack was the thought and love that my husband had put into gifting it to me. He had really wanted me to enjoy "the good stuff".
Too often, our reactions or words ruin "the good stuff" that we have going in our lives. People are gifts to us. Family, friends, co-workers, neighbors: they have feelings. They deserve respect. They love to be loved just like us!).
Our tempers and criticisms blow-up those relationships. We ruin things by not taming-our-tongue. We allow special relationships and people to be damaged because we get careless or angry.
Don't explode today! Be patient today. Be quick to listen today. Be good today.
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. ~Romans 12:21
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