Corona Devo 1789

Sometimes we just want to whine or lament.  And sometimes we are validated in doing so, because life can get so heavy or sad or overwhelming that it almost buries us.  Lots of bad, and not so much good (or so it seems). 

Burdens are a personal and personalized thing.  Each of us bears our own, and no one else knows exactly what we are facing.  

But God does.

And sometimes He calms and snuggles us with His Word...  

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."   ~Matthew 11:28

And sometimes God rejoices over us with His Word...  

For the Lord your God is living among you.  He is a mighty savior.  He will take delight in you with gladness.  With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”  ~Zephaniah 3:17

But in reading my Bible today, I was reminded of a season a few years ago when I was walking through sorrow and heaviness.  I just wanted to whine, and I was justified in my lament.  I looked to the Lord for comfort, but do you know what He said (essentially)?

"Keep a stiff upper lip."

"Buck up!" 

"Power'll be alright, kid!"


The prophet Jeremiah gave a message to Baruch son of Neriah in the fourth year of the reign of Jehoiakim son of Josiah, after Baruch had written down everything Jeremiah had dictated to him. 

He said, (2) “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says to you, Baruch: (3) You have said, ‘I am overwhelmed with trouble! Haven’t I had enough pain already? And now the Lord has added more! I am worn out from sighing and can find no rest.’  

(4) “Baruch, this is what the Lord says: ‘I will destroy this nation that I built. I will uproot what I planted. (5) Are you seeking great things for yourself? Don’t do it! I will bring great disaster upon all these people; but I will give you your life as a reward wherever you go. I, the Lord, have spoken!’”  ~Jeremiah 45:1-5


God was bringing a hard message to a stubborn people.  His stubborn people.  He had told the Israelites (over and over) through Jeremiah and other prophets, to follow Him.  God had commanded them to obey His Law and Word, and to worship Him (and not other idols).  But the people (God's people) refused. They point-blank refused God again and again. 

And so, God was bringing a consequence to them (I will bring great disaster upon all these people...  Jeremiah 45:5).

But my point (and I believe God's point) today is not about those not following the Lord (and their consequences) point, and what I took from Jeremiah Chapter 45 years ago and again today: is that if we are tempted today to whine to God about our trials and burdens...

If we just want to lament, "One more thing?"  and say, "Again, Lord?  Can't I catch a break?"   

If we have had just about as much as (we think) we can take, and (almost) more than we can handle...

If we find ourselves (like Baruch) saying: ‘I am overwhelmed with trouble! Haven’t I had enough pain already?  And now the Lord has added more!  I am worn out from sighing and can find no rest.’  

If we're looking to the Lord for comfort today (brace yourself), because sometimes He doesn't comfort or coddle...sometimes He tells us to (essentially):

"Keep a stiff upper lip."

"Buck up!" 

"Power'll be alright, kid!"

Are you seeking great things for yourself? Don’t do it! I will bring great disaster upon all these people; but I will give you your life as a reward wherever you go. I, the Lord, have spoken!’”  ~Jeremiah 45:5

This was me a few years back.  I had just learned of my grandmother's passing, and her death came on the heels of a (terrible) year and a half of three other family deaths.  

I cried out to God saying (essentially): ‘I am overwhelmed with trouble! Haven’t I had enough pain already?  And now the Lord has added more!  I am worn out from sighing and can find no rest.’  (Jeremiah 45:3).

Have we had enough today?    Are we overwhelmed with trouble today?  Are we worn out from sighing and can find no rest?

Yes, sometimes we just want to whine.  We'd like some sympathy, empathy, relief, and mercy.  Save our life, Lord! 

But God's Word encourages us today not with a soft hug but with a firm handshake.  "Keep your chin up!", God says.

God reminds us today: "Don't get caught up in it!"

God whispers, "Don't get dramatic or melodramatic."  

Today, let's get regrounded in God.  Don't lose sight of our focus...which is living for Him.  Even if life is rough today...He will take care of  things, and He will take care of us. 

...but I will give you your life as a reward wherever you go. I, the Lord, have spoken!’”  ~Jeremiah 46:5

God told Baruch to hang tight and today God tells us the same thing.  Hold on today.  

Stick it out for God.  Stick with God.  And He will give you your life as a reward wherever you go. 

Are we going through something difficult today and we just want to whine or lament a little?

Keep going.

And go through it with God...He's got us.  

...I will give you your life as a reward wherever you go. I, the Lord, have spoken!’”  ~Jeremiah 45:5




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