Corona Devo 1817

Look to the Light today. 

I needed reminding...did you? 

The details and disturbances and demands of life were encroaching upon me.  It felt (in my spirit) like there were a bunch of bullies surrounding and enclosing-in on me.  Actually...they were here: pounding on my peace.  Waves of fear/dread/worry/and woe were crashing over my shores, and I was not experiencing (any) peace, even though I desperately desired it.

I sat down in the quiet of morning and prayed for God's help because I knew only He could provide it.  Bible?  Check.  

Journal?  Check.  

Coffee?  Che...

That's when I saw it: the light.  While praying for help, I drew my mug nearer in order to take a sip of coffee.  But gazing into the brown liquid...I saw the light.

Literally, there in the center of my coffee was a reflection of the light that hung over my head. 

I sit here and study and pray every morning, but I've never noticed a reflection of that light in my coffee before.  But the Lord knew that I needed reminding today.  

In our anxiousness, in our unrest: look to the Light today.  

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you."  ~Isaiah 60:1

Let the Lord's Word and light wash over us today, like a mother shushing a baby or waves lapping the shoreline.  Shhhh, shhhh.  It's all going to be okay.  God's here, and we arise with Him today.  Look to the light today.


Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.  ~Psalm 119:105

When we need calming, when we need direction, when we need protection from the (emotional/physical/spiritual) bullies of this world: the Bible is our lamp, it is our light.  God's Word leads us, and the Bible sheds God's light into our darkness.  The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it (John 1:5).  Look to the light today.


When I drove to work this morning, snow had fallen, and so had the temperatures: we were way below freezing.  Even the clouded sky looked gray and so cold.  But what did I see burning a hole through the hazy horizon?  The sun.  The biggest light that our earth knows was not staying curtained behind the cloudcover, and the way that the sun seemed to force itself into (my) view...I knew that God was reminding me once again: Look to the light today.  

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”  ~John 8:12

Like the sun shining through the heavy cold and clouds--God will not let us "miss" Him.  He will make Himself known to us: through the Bible (Keep reading!), through His people (Encourage someone today!), or through His ways (coffee reflections, sunlight, _list your own example_).

Look to the Light today.  God makes Himself known to us in many ways...and we need Him to.  

I needed reminding...did you? 




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