Corona Devo 1818

Mighty King, lover of justice, you have established fairness.  You have acted with justice and righteousness throughout Israel.  (5) Exalt the Lord our God! Bow low before his feet, for he is holy!  ~Psalm 99:4-5


Does it matter? 

 ...Our kids doing their homework and someone else copying it?  Or vice versa?  In the end should I care?  Should they? 

Does it matter?  

...In our workplace: to get our way, or to get ahead: white lies or manipulation of numbers/people/time.  Who will know?  Who will care?  Should we? 

Does it matter?  

Within our family or amongst friends, or on our teams/ with co-workers and employees: Do we have "favorites"?  Is there justice for all, or is there favor (even sometimes) for just a few?  Has anyone noticed?  Does it matter if they do?  

Does it matter?  

Church every Sunday or just the Sunday's that we feel like waking up?  Could God truly expect us to seek His righteousness (His ways) in our lives all the time?  Is this for real?  Is He for real? 


Must we be just with our efforts, our time, our thoughts and our faith today?  Can't we cut some corners for comfort?  And isn't "fair" a relative term, revolving around my needs? 

Do we act with justice and righteousness in our heart?  In our marriage?  In our family?  In our job?  In our lives?  

We are called to. 

Mighty King, lover of justice, you have established fairness.  You have acted with justice and righteousness throughout Israel.  (5) Exalt the Lord our God! Bow low before his feet, for he is holy!  ~Psalm 99:4-5

Actually...someone does see the actual minutes and hours that we spend working, versus the inflated total that we might claim. Somebody does love honesty and justice in our hearts and someone abhors white lies and justifications and falsifications.  Someone sees the unfairness that we allow or partake in, and someone has established an expectation of fairness.  Will we meet it?  

We serve a God who sees.  He is mighty. He loves justiceDo we?

He established fairness: are we following in it...what God established?  He acts with justice.  Boil down our attitudes and actions today: Are we acting with justice?  Our God acts with righteousness.  Let's look at our attitudes, our tendencies, ourselves: Do we

Do justice, fairness, and righteousness in our life matter?  Yes!  Because they matter to God.  And God is all that will matter in the end for us.  Make Him matter today. 


Mighty King, lover of justice, you have established fairness.  You have acted with justice and righteousness throughout Israel.  (5) Exalt the Lord our God! Bow low before his feet, for he is holy!  ~Psalm 99:4-5

You are our example, Lord!  We love you God!

Does it matter?  YES!  All of it does.  Our obedience to justice, fairness, righteousness and our Mighty King matter to God.

Seek and embody justice today.  Let's establish fairness in our affairs today.  React and align with righteousness today.  Praise the Lord for his mighty, just, fair, and righteous example today.




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