Corona Devo 1824

Have we ever had someone send us a text or an email IN ALL CAPS?  It can be a bit intimidating (ie. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?), unless it's a positive exclamation (ie. WOW!), and then it can be invigorating. 

And utilizing 'all caps' is such a powerful (printed) stance, that I've even had people apologize after sending me a message in accidental caps.  (I'm sorry, I didn't mean to send that in all caps.)

Do any of us work in Customer Service or Support departments?  Those poor guys and gals get some nasty (and intended) 'all caps' messages when a customer is frustrated or just plain mad.

A word or message in 'all caps' demonstrates strong language, and if we receive an admonishment or a command in 'all caps'...then we had better take notice and listen up, right? 


Well, get ready, Friends, because God has messaged us today in 'all caps':

LISTEN!  The Lord’s arm is not too weak to save you, nor is his ear too deaf to hear you call.  ~Isaiah 59:1  

God meant to say the word "listen" to us in 'all caps' today.  He knows the unrest that threatens our peace...

But what about...

But what if...

I'm concerned about...

I'm afraid of...

LISTEN! The Lord’s arm is not too weak to save you, nor is his ear too deaf to hear you call.  ~Isaiah 59:1  


It's like God knows what's on our mind and what is encroaching on our peace.  It's like He knows that we are stable, but teetering....

How does He know?  How does our Lord know our hearts so very well today and right now

How did he know that our thoughts were hopping into a get-away car and speeding off to Worry Lane?

How did God guess that our what-ifs for today and tomorrow were taking-off and gaining great speed as they began to barrel out-of-control?  

How did/does our Lord know us and our (human) tendencies?  Perhaps because He created them and us.  He knit us together in our mother's womb (Psalm 139:13), and He knows our plans (Psalm 94:11) and He also knows the straying thoughts of men and women: our tendencies-to-worry, and to question, and to lack faith. 

And so, God reminds us to listen to His truth and promises today.  And actually, (He says it more forcefully) He reminds us to LISTEN to Him today.  

Whatever we are facing right now--God has it all under control.

He hasn't "overlooked" our situation or "missed" our questions.  He can handle all of it, and He will. 

Our Lord is neither incompetent or impotent: our God's arm is strong enough to lift us out, and He never misses a cry of our heart.

The Lord’s arm is not too weak to save you, nor is his ear too deaf to hear you call.  ~Isaiah 59:1

While we are busy getting distracted, God raises His almighty (Scriptural) voice to us and says, with authority and power: "LISTEN!"

He's here (with us today), and He's not too weak to save or too deaf to hear us.  God reminds us (not so gently) that we can (and must) have faith in Him.

LISTEN!  The Lord’s arm is not too weak to save you, nor is his ear too deaf to hear you call.  ~Isaiah 59:1  

"Listen" for what else God is saying in these words, and behind these words: We can ask God to save us from what we're struggling with, and we can call out to Him.  (If His arm is not too weak to save us, then that must also mean that we can become vulnerable in asking Him to save us.)

Let's become vulnerable with God today.  What are we facing/fearing/feeling today?  Ask God to save us.  His arm is not too weak to save you.

Are we afraid to call out, or to call on our Lord today?  Don't be!  Because his ear is not too deaf to hear you call.


Our God and His Word (the Bible) are good.

Just when our thoughts get frenzied, or our pulse begins to quicken: He steps in and shouts out (in all caps): LISTEN!  ~Isaiah 59:1  

Let's listen to God speak (in all caps) to us through His Word today.  

Whatever we are facing right now--God has it all under control.




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