Corona Devo 1697

Have you ever been there , in His courts ? In the dwelling place of the Lord Almighty ? Oh, it's lovely. And although it sounds faraway and impossible to get-to or attain, it's not. His courts are not an everyday place to visit (at least for me). But we can get there. Indeed, God has made it possible, but our strength must be in Him, and not ourselves or our own devices. We must have our hearts set on Him, and on the daily pilgrimage to get to Him and His courts. Pilgrimage is a perfect word too. Seeking our Savior's courts is a journey, and we (for the most part), we must trek it alone. We learn from others about the journey-to-Jesus, but making that voyage--it's up to us. It's a pilgrimage that each man or woman must decide-for-themselves to set out upon, and to engage in...daily. But if we will try and meet/reach/worship/glorify/obey the Lord, then He goes with us...