Corona Devo 1460

I was looking for something different to make for a dessert this week, and lemon bars popped into my mind. I made a batch, and when one of my BFF's (best friends forever) stopped over the other day, I offered her some. She smiled and then told me that just the night before, she had wanted lemon bars, but wasn't feeling up to making them. And yet, here they were, and she was excited. Take delight in the Lord , and he will give you the desires of your heart. ~Psalm 37:4 🍋 ~~~ Similarly, since last week, I have had a taste for butterscotch. So much so, that I asked my kids if they would help me eat some butterscotch cookies if I made them? Nope--my kids did not think that butterscotch sounded delicious, and so, I didn't make them. ...But, I still had the desire for them. Fast-forward a few days when we met my brother and sister-in-law for supper and BOOM! Didn't my brother have a baggie of home-made butterscotch...