
Showing posts from October, 2024

Corona Devo 1705

People surprise me all the time with their goodness, and very often, I learn that it was not actually their good ness  that prompted their good deeds or kindnesses, but it was their  God- ness (the Holy Spirit in them).  I have seen that be true in myself as well: I may feel (in some way compelled to do something, and when it turns out to be a blessing to another or "just what I needed", or perfect timing...well...that wasn't me , it was the Holy Spirit in me , prompting me.   There is good happening in this world, and while it is not always God's children shining His Light...good can  often  can be traced back to a believer. But, ( have we noticed?),  not everyone is a believer.   We see good happening, but we also see pride, maliciousness, unfairness, injustice and other bad happening too.  There are wicked and evil people  in this world, and to pretend otherwise is foolish and dangerous. The absence of Light is darkness, ...

Corona Devo 1704

Everyone showered in my house the other night.  Sometimes it's a split of morning showers and night showers, but due to practices and other evening events, e veryone showered in succession the other night.   I was purposely the last, after everyone else was nestled in bed, and before I went up to shower, I did what I do many nights before retiring: I started a last load of laundry for the day, and also filled the cup in the dishwasher with soap and turned it on so that we would have clean dishes when everyone awoke. But as I hopped in the shower, the hot water seemed to be thinking about whether or not to flow, and my whole time in there, I felt like it was going to run out...a nd I don't blame it, after all, four other  people had already showered, and hot water was currently spraying in my shower but also into our washing machine and dishwasher too. How much hot water could we possibly have?  I was expecting the water to run cold at any moment, that would have...

Corona Devo 1703

Today's the big day, and I don't mean it's a birthday, holiday, or the day we leave for vacation: we have a surgery for one of our children today. It's big... but God uniquely directed us to the doctor, and he's excellent.    My heart breaks for the process our son is embarking upon...but the Lord has used many people to confirm the decision and outcome of this surgery.   The today  scares me...but I believe in the promise that God has given us for  tomorrow .   But I'm not the only one walking the faith-tightrope today...What are you trusting God for today? Odds are, we all need a reminder of His promises to us for this day. "The  Lord  himself goes before you and will be with you;  he will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”  ~Deuteronomy 31:8 A few weeks back, before I even knew  about the necessity or positive-outcome of this surgery, I cried out to God for direction... ...

Corona Devo 1702

We've heard  Him.  Distinctly and clearly, we've heard and felt Jesus tell us to " come " to Him.   Even though the world tells us otherwise and logic doesn't point to faith, still:... we've heard Him , and we have come to Him. . “Come,”  he said.  ~Matthew 14:29 The big decision that looms for us to make... “Come,”  he said.  ~Matthew 14:29 The sickness or disease that we face today and we fear... “Come,”  he said.  ~Matthew 14:29  The surgery that is set... “Come,”  he said.  ~Matthew 14:29 The sorrow that suffocates... “Come,”  he said.  ~Matthew 14:29 The burdens that bear down on us... “Come,”  he said.  ~Matthew 14:29 Whatever we face in our mind and heart right now... “Come,”  he said.  ~Matthew 14:29   ~~~ We've  heard  the Lord.  Distinctly and clearly, we've heard and felt Jesus tell us to " come " to Him.   And so, we come .  We walk in pure faith to t...

Corona Devo 1701

We're in this together as Believers.   This walk-of-faith...complete with slip-ups and stumbles, and even all out brawls.   We're human , and our fleshly desires take over and we fall to sin sometimes.  We all do .  But our brothers and sisters in Christ...our true  brothers and sisters in Christ: they pick us back up again and remind us what God says about us (we're forgiven if we repent) and they get us back on the path that leads to the Lord, one step at a time.   And sometimes they stand in our path verbally, physically, or an attempt to correct us in Christ.   This is accountability within the family of God (AKA the church), and being-here-for-each-other, and sometimes setting-each-other-straight: that's what family does for each other: blood-family and blood-of-Christ family.     We're in this together  as Believers.   If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, ...

Corona Devo 1700

It's Fall...have you seen the leaves?  They are gorgeous .  Fiery bursts of color adorning the branches of trees and exploding in reds, oranges and yellows.  I can't believe God created such hues and highlights.  The beauty of some trees at this time of year literally takes my breath away. But did you know that when their leaves turn into these bright and bold colors they are dying ?  The fall season brings an end to the chlorophyll-making process of leaves, and that's their food.  No food, no life: and so these leaves begin to die, and that's  when their colors move from green into fireworks of burnt orange, fiery red, and bright yellow. In death, there is beauty.  ... What's that? ...  Yes, I do  hear You, Lord, speaking to my spirit through the process and colors of the leaves.   I appreciate the stand-out beauty of the fall leaves, and I realize that God is using them today to remind me that there are somethings within my heart ...

Corona Devo 1699

What is it with the fruit flies lately?  Working in my kitchen, or sitting in my dining room...they are fluttering and hovering, and they are in my way , in my peripheral vision, and on my nerves.  I am always swatting the air and shoo-ing them from my space. Maybe it's the season, or maybe it's the ripe bananas in my fruit basket, or maybe it's I have no idea ...but the fruit flies are distracting me and stealing some of my peace, patience, and happy.   But, with a wave of the hand, they disperse and the air around me is clear.   Fruit flies are a nuisance, but they don't rule over me.  I can't let them.   And fruit flies aren't the only things that  steal some of our peace, patience, and happy... are they?   This world and its people are broken and flawed, and sinful , and so are we.  But we serve a Savior and King who is whole and holy, and without flaw or blemish.  Jesus Christ and the hope that we have in Him is a wav...

Corona Devo 1698

"How many times do I have to tell you?" ~~~ I've been known to say this (in exasperation) to my kids.  For instance...their bath  towels get hung  over hooks hanging on the back of their bathroom door.  I would prefer their towels get hung  over a towel bar, so that they might dry before the next use, but instead...o ne towel, then two, then three, and sometimes even more will be hung on top of each other on the hooks...each wet and staying wet for days.  I've tried many ways of asking them not to do this.  I've explained the benefits of utilizing a towel rack.  I've educated them on the science of wet garments staying wet when stacked, I have  given other (towel drying) options, and I've also threatened consequences.  But do you know what works best for my kids?  Not just the threat of a consequence...but the threat of a consequence with a detailed explanation .  For instance...not just saying, "Stop hanging wet towels o...