Corona Devo 224
Perhaps there are children that admire the blaze of color-glory in the sunrise and sunset, but mine never seem to care very much. And to be honest, I am not sure that I did at their age. One of the ways that I know I am aging is because I delight so much in the pink and orange curtain that is pulled wider across the horizon as dawn breaks or dusk sets. Perhaps because I am old I am enthused by God's morning and evening creation in the skies, but could it be that with age also comes wisdom in appreciating such things? Because can anyone (truthfully) deny the intelligent creation of our universe, galaxies, and heavens? The longer I live, the more convinced I become of God's sovereignty over creation, and thus over me. Psalm 19 connects God's heavenly realms arched high above our heads to His perfect Law in the Bible, which arches over our lives. In perfection and with supreme knowledge God created both with purpose and for our enjoyme...