Corona Devo 1790

The other night (while writing), I couldn't think straight! Our kids were wild: Chattering and laughing and studying(?), and helping each other study. I heard math equations flying around and "tutoring" happening. Numbers, orders of operations, and heavy thinking pumped out from each of them. There were direct jabs as one person would grow impatient in explaining a concept, and then I could also hear as light bulbs went "on" when someone grasped a concept. And in the middle of it all and over it all, there were giggles, deep belly laughs, and banter, banter, banter amongst the three of them. I couldn't get a thing done, and I wondered how they were. I couldn't concentrate, and at first, my pulse rose as I watched the minutes pass...past their bedtimes and mine, with much work left to be done for everyone. Their conversational dance went on and on...back and forth, and it was loud, silly, and ...