
Showing posts from December, 2023

Corona Devo 1400

Many of us will countdown today and tonight.  Countdown to the New Year.  Countdown the top songs, movies, shows, trends, and even a countdown of  people  of the past year.   Time is always ticking and one more year has ticked-by.  As we countdown today, are we ready for the New Year that is coming? And beyond that, Jesus instructs us to be ready for His coming. Are we ready?    The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.  ~2 Corinthians 11:13-15   Don't be blinded as we countdown to a New Year.   Many minds are  blinded.   They worry and despair about many things (and there are many things to despair about!), but Jesus calms our hearts and directs our focus on Him , instead of the world's woes.   “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In thi...

Corona Devo 1399

I was grateful to catch sight of an ibis walking around this morning.  Slow, quiet, and intentional, it foraged through shallow water, not far from where I sat.  I couldn't see his eyes, but I knew they were working, glancing, taking in the land and shallows to give guidance as to which direction to step-in and search next.   I found out (via that ibises f orage by walking slowly in shallow water, sweeping their bill from side to side and probing at bottom.  They also find food on land by touch, by sight, and at other times, by seizing items from the surface.    I am a bird-lover, but even if I wasn't, the ibis is easy to enjoy, with it's graceful gait, pink stick-legs and pinky-face and bill.   As I watched the ibis slowly maneuver through the marsh, the moment and the morning...I felt a spiritual lesson being whispered into into my soul.  He moved not with rush and frenzy (like me), but with purpose and poise.  ...

Corona Devo 1398

Ever been chosen first  for a team?   ...Ever been chosen last?  Have we any idea  how God feels about us? ...How very much He loves us?  We were His first pick.  Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us...  ~Ephesians 1:4 ~~ Have any quirks?  (We all do.)  Little things we do, that we can't even seem to help doing?  Little faults.  Big faults.  Some we might not even notice, and others we might spend our days trying to cover. But...did we know that God purposed to give His Son to cover our sin, so that we could be holy and without fault in His eyes . ME ?  Without fault in God's eyes ?  YOU ?   Without fault in  God's  eyes ?  Believe it.  That's what God said.  ...And that's what He wanted to do.  ...And it gave Him great pleasure to do so:  Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes....

Corona Devo 1397

Praise the   Lord , my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the   Lord , my soul, and forget not all his benefits—  ~Psalm 103:1-2 Like a glass of water filled to the brim, may we have gratitude for all that God has given us.  Hugs from family members, time with special people, yummy food... and the provision and ability to enjoy of all of it: I praise the Lord.   Let's not  forget all his benefits. Strength for today.   Comfort when we are hollowed out.   Patience when we have strayed.   Compassion when we have stayed.   The love of a perfect Father.... Praise the   Lord , my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the   Lord , my soul, and forget not all his benefits—  ~Psalm 103:1-2 It's easy to get complacent or even desensitized to all that we have.  And even when our spirit or life is in lack...we still have much .   Family, food, bounty, blessings...

Corona Devo 1396

How far do we feel from God today?  Is there distance between us and Him?  Is there unresolved sin?  Accidental addiction?   Blatant disobedience?    Is there guilt?   Shame?   So much pain, but we...  Just.  Can't.  Get.  Out. How far do we feel from God today? The ends of the earth? He calls us back  today.  Through His Word, God is calling us back  to Him today,  saying,  ‘You are my servant.’   For I have chosen you  and will not throw you away ( Isaiah 41:9). And we are  His servants.  We  are chosen by Our Heavenly Father.   He will never  ever  throw us  away. We may have forgotten that truth for a time.  We may have been running from that truth for a season.  But that truth remains, and always will.  We are His. Turn around today.   Turn away from whatever path/choices/sins/temptations have distracted ...

Corona Devo 1395

The gifts have all been unwrapped.  The stockings, once filled are now empty and flat.  Grandiose meals have been cooked, served, cleaned up--and only leftovers remain.  Christmas is over for another year... or is it? Christmas shouldn't be over-- ever , or at least not  the word concerning  Christmas.   Today and tomorrow and the day after, we should  spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child ( Luke 2:17). That's what the shepherds did after seeing and celebrating the birth of Jesus, and they are an excellent example to us of what to do on "the day after" and the day s  after Christmas. So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger.  ( 17)  When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child,  ( 18)  and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them...  ( 20)  The shepherds ret...

Corona Devo 1394

A friend of mine gave me beautiful earrings for Christmas this year--such a thoughtful gift. A loved one gave me cookie sheets this year, (mine are almost twenty years old)--I am so excited about this gift! A number of friends  gave us cookie plates this year--what delicious gifts! We will spend some special time with my dad and sister (and family) in a few days--what a precious gift family in-the-present can be.  One day in the future I will get to see my mom in Heaven--what a hopeful gift the knowledge of Eternity with other Believers is. ~~~ Baby dolls, soccer balls, outfits, tool sets, video games, bicycles, perfumes, gift cards...there will be gifts upon gifts given today. But the greatest gift ever given--the one gift that changes our perspective, our directive, and  our lives... we celebrate the birth of that Gift today.   ...the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.   ~Romans 6:23 Today in the town of David a Savior...