
Corona Devo 1425

W e’re in a cycle-of-faith with the Lord...always moving into the next stage.   Where are we in it today?  And who can we influence for His glory? Step in.  Step up.  And hang on.  We go round and round...and it's a glorious process. May God be merciful and bless us.  May his face smile with favor on us.  ~Psalm 67:1 God chose us.  He was merciful , even though we were sinful.  He blessed us.  (Are we blessed today?)  He has made (and will continue to make) his face smile with favor on us. These things affect us and change our hearts.  This Truth (when we accept it) motivates us to serve God and mobilizes us to share God.  We have influence for Him. May your ways be known throughout the earth, your saving power among people everywhere.  ~Psalm 67:2 There is transformation in Christ.  Salvation of lives and hearts…and we are proof of it!  May your ways be known … We have to share them (His ways )!  ...

Corona Devo 1424

Do we have a thorn-in-our-side? Someone who really  "gets" to us?  "Grates" on us?  Infuriates us? I know, I know, we hate to admit it, because, it's just not nice... but (polite to acknowledge or not), there are some people that get on our nerves, for whatever reason. Someone that makes our blood boil and our patience run thin, and we think, "Well, I oughta..." You know what we "oughta" (ought to) do? Pray for them. I'm serious!  (And so is God.)   When was the last time we earnestly prayed for an enemy that we have in our life (instead of gossiping, justifying our  side, or "poor-me"-ing ourselves.) When was the last time we prayed for someone that has hurt us or is presently hurting us/offending us/or (just plain) opposing us in some way? If someone slaps you on one cheek, offer the other cheek also. If someone demands your coat, offer your shirt also.  ( 30)  Give to anyone who asks; and when things are taken away from you, ...

Corona Devo 1423

I woke up today, and went to into prayer.  Not for any one reason, or emergency reasons, but for all of the many reasons:  For my husband, for our kids, for work and provision, for God’s Word to proclaimed, for protection, for health…for friends and family and trials and miracles and so many things.   So much to say to God.  Where to start and where to end?  So many angles and scenarios and worries and hopes and dreams and so many prayers.  I could go on forever. And I did.  Sometimes I feel stringy, or drawn-out in my prayers, or too-encompassing, or not-encompassing enough, or… May God be merciful and bless us.  May His face smile with favor on us.  ~Psalm 67:1 The Bible sums up our prayers for today, and God gives us a better one than I ever could. These are Your words, Heavenly Father, not mine .  I would have just asked for Your mercy :  May God be merciful… But You added the second clause/idea/hope/prayer/ promise…...

Corona Devo 1422

Take a moment  today. Are we busy?  Rushing?  Booked-solid or living-life-in-haste? Slow down  for a few minutes or moments today, and re-group with God.   I know...the calendar, the clock, the people...can make it feel as if we can't stop or even take a break... but we can , and we should. If we will purposely seek God's peace, He will provide it , and then "productivity" or "accomplishing" takes on a whole new perspective: His. ...s eek peace and pursue it.  ~Psalm 34:14 ~~~ Peace  can come straight from God and His Word...and it does.   Get up early or steal-away and let God's Word and prayer-with-Him do it's work.  If it worked for Jesus, it will  work for us: Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.  ~Mark 1:35 Take  a moment  to pray today. ~~~ But peace  can come in other forms.  Nature, for one.  T...

Corona Devo 1421

There was glitter in the air today.  As the rising-sun rays laid their beams into my front window, I could see snow crystals in the air.  I couldn't capture it with a camera, but I saw it with my eyes: beautiful glittery dust dancing in the atmosphere. Out the next window (without sunlight)... nothing.  No snow bright specs or diamond-particles swirling in the front yard air... that I could see.   It was just invisible air--nothing to be seen by the naked eye.  But those snow crystals were still there...t hey just weren't revealed without the direct sun rays illuminating them.    Visible and prove-able or not, I could feel them on my face when I went out...they left a soft mist.  And in direct sun--I could see them all over.  I knew they were there, even if my camera could not capture the image (or the magic) of them, to produce evidence.  ~~~  I sn't this an exact description of our faith in God and of His presence here befor...

Corona Devo 1420

I was feeling out-of- options and like I had no where to turn. And then God reminded me of His promises for victory today when I read His Word.   He reminds US  of His promises for victory today through Scripture, and  all that He has previously done  over the years in our lives.  (And then He tells us to trust in His future  promise of victory .)  God was reminding the Israelites of what He had (previously) done for them when they thought they had no options and no where to turn.  The Egyptians were on their tail and coming in hot (and bothered).  The Israelites had a lead, but it was narrowing by the minute, and there was no where to turn.  The Red Sea lay before them...and the Egyptians were closing in behind them. But God made a way : The  Lord ’s Promise of Victory   ( 15)  I am the   Lord , your Holy One,  Israel’s Creator and King.  ( 16)  I am the   Lord , who opened a way...

Corona Devo 1419

Inside the dwelling of an igloo is where an Eskimo lives.   Inside the dwelling of a nest is where a bird lives .    Inside the dwelling of hive is where a bee lives.   Inside the dwelling of a reef is where a clownfish lives.   Inside the dwelling of a doghouse is where a dog lives.   And did we know that the Bible says that inside the dwelling of us  is  where God lives by his Spirit ( Ephesians 2:22) . Pretty amazing, isn't it? God says that  we  are members of God’s family , j ust like every other Believer  that knows the Lord, and has ever known the Lord (like  the apostles and the prophets ).  All of us, together ... (B elievers, followers of Christ etc.)-- we are his house , (God's house), and  through him you Gentiles are also being made part of this dwelling where God lives by his Spirit ( Ephesians 2:22) .   What could this possibly mean?   It means that all of us...