Corona Devo 1818

Mighty King, lover of justice, you have established fairness. You have acted with justice and righteousness throughout Israel. ( 5) Exalt the Lord our God! Bow low before his feet, for he is holy! ~Psalm 99:4-5 ~~~ Does it matter? ...Our kids doing their homework and someone else copying it? Or vice versa? In the end should I care? Should they? Does it matter? ...In our workplace: to get our way, or to get ahead: white lies or manipulation of numbers/people/time. Who will know? Who will care? Should we? Does it matter? Within our family or amongst friends, or on our teams/ with co-workers and employees: Do we have "favorites"? Is there justice for all, or is there favor (even sometimes) for just a few? Has anyone noticed? Does it matter if they do? Does it matter? Church every Sunday or just the...